Step 10: Let's Try a Few More Features
A Pedigree Overview
Click to your child's family card and click the Overview button on the toolbar.
This displays a five-generation pedigree overview which should resemble the example below. This window is simply a navigational tool. In the final step of this tutorial, you'll learn how to create and print large, graphic pedigree charts.
Clicking anyone in the tree will move that person to the source position.
Clicking the blue pop-up menu button (to the left of the source person) will show a pop-up menu of the spouses and children of the current source person. By selecting a name in the pop-up menu, you force the five-generation overview to start with the selected name.
When you have the correct person in the source button on the left side, click the button, press Enter, press Return, or click OK to open her family card. You can also double-click any name in the tree to open a family card. Click the Close button to return to the family card that was showing before you opened the Overview window.
How Are You Related?
Click back to your family card and choose List ->Relationships.
Select the button next to your name and click Identify. Then click Close.
Reunion will figure out how you're related to all of your blood relatives and display the relationships (like father, 1st cousin, etc.) just above the names on family cards. As you click through the family cards in your family file, you'll see, at a glance, how your blood relatives are related to you.
By now you probably understand that Reunion is designed to link your family information in a way that's easy to visualize and navigate.
It's important to understand the family card concept -- that each family card shows an immediate family. If you click a child button, you'll open that child's family card (which will display the previous card's husband and wife as parents). Likewise, if you click a parent, you'll open a card which lists the parents in the middle of their own family card, and shows the previous card's husband or wife as a child.
Linking More Families
With Reunion you can easily link lots of individuals and families and click-to-navigate through generations of your ancestors. To expand the tree, you must add more people. All family cards work just like your family card. Simply follow the path outlined in the tutorial as you did when adding your immediate family.
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